\\r\\n{{hotel.rating}} star property
\\r\\n{{hotel.rating}} star property
\\r\\n{{hotel.rating}} star property
\\r\\nAdaptive Attribute - based Offers
\\r\\nPersonalize search ranking and marketing offers by\\r\\n utilizing guest attribute level\\r\\n willingness-to-pay\\r\\n using heterogeneous choice data
\\r\\nCurrent Situation
\\r\\nOffers and Recommendations are generated fairly uniformly for all guests
without any regards\\r\\n to the guest's travel preferences\\r\\n
Customer Agnostic and Non-Personalized Listing
\\r\\n{{hotel.rating}} star property
\\r\\nCustomer Agnostic and Non-Personalized Listing
\\r\\n{{hotel.rating}} star property
\\r\\nCustomer Agnostic and Non-Personalized Listing
\\r\\n{{hotel.rating}} star property
\\r\\nProposed Solution
\\r\\nAttribute-based recommendation via three-step WTP assessment
\\r\\nSegment Profile
* Previous 6 months customer data
\\r\\nSegment Profile
* Previous 6 months customer data
\\r\\nSegment Profile
* Previous 6 months customer data
\\r\\nProposed Solution
\\r\\nAttribute-based recommendation via three-step WTP assessment
\\r\\nProposed Solution
\\r\\nAttribute-based recommendation via three-step WTP assessment
\\r\\nPricing Tailored Individually
\\r\\n{{hotel.rating}} star property
\\r\\nPricing Tailored Individually
\\r\\n{{hotel.rating}} star property
\\r\\nPricing Tailored Individually
\\r\\n{{hotel.rating}} star property
\\r\\nOutcome Situation
\\r\\nPersonalize search ranking and marketing offers by utilizing guest-attribute level
\\r\\n willingness-to-pay using heterogeneous booking choice data
Pricing and Property/Room recommendations are tailored to guest’s preferences and\\r\\n WTP\\r\\n
\\r\\n{{hotel.rating}} star property
\\r\\nPricing and Property/Room recommendations are tailored to guest’s preferences and\\r\\n WTP\\r\\n
\\r\\n{{hotel.rating}} star property
\\r\\nPricing and Property/Room recommendations are tailored to guest’s preferences and\\r\\n WTP\\r\\n
\\r\\n{{hotel.rating}} star property